Can I request a refund for my payment?

In cases where your order is canceled due to the seller failing to fulfill an order, you may consider finding another seller that might be selling the same desired item.

Alternatively, you can request a refund for your payment under the following circumstances:

  1. Found no other seller offering the same item.
  2. Other seller offers are selling at a higher-than-expected/unreasonable price.

If you encounter any of the above and wish to get your payment refunded, kindly contact our KALEOZ Support for assistance on this matter.

Please note the following:

1. Refunds may not be possible for certain payment methods such as Cryptocurrency, RazerGold, Neosurf, etc. In such cases, the amount can only be used for a new purchase on KALEOZ.

2. When refunding your payment to the original payment method used, the processing fees charged by certain payment merchants (such as Credit Cards) may not be returned.

3. KALEOZ shall not be responsible for any handling fee incurred by the payment merchant.